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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The "Animal"

How many parents out there have nicknames for your child(ren)?  Now, I'm not talking about the nicknames like Sue from Susan or Pete from Peter!  I am talking about those nicknames that a child gets because of the way they are!  For instance, I believe I was called 'Wreck-a-Bek' when I was a kid.  Who knows the real meaning of that and I never wanted to find out.  Anyway, nicknames... 

Which will bring me to my story about a certain little boy, name M-A-I-S-O-N or as he's known often around me, the 'Animal'.  Which will be nickname #1 for him.  As you read you will find that he has more than one.  Now, some of you may think that's harsh and if so then you have never raised boys and if you have raised boys, never one like mine.  

Boys are supposed to be more active than girls, yes, that is true.  Let me ask you a question.  Have any of you had to keep a baby gate up at the bathroom door so a little person won't go in there and make a mess of it?  When I say make a mess, I mean destroy.  Nickname #2 - the 'Destroyer'.

We recently went to visit friends of ours that also have a 2 year boy.  When they introduced him to us, they called him the 'BEAST'.  Now, I didn't feel so bad calling ours the 'Animal'.  So, the Animal and the Beast were introduced and it was double the terrible 2's!  A lot of tantrums and a lot of NO's!! 

There have been times when I have had to carry him like a football in the mall just so we could leave.  Do I believe in spanking?  Yes, I am a Mom that spanks.  So, yes, I spanked him in the mall, but nothing was working.  So this brings me to my nickname #3 for Maison and that is 'The Holy Terror'.  

Despite all the ranting I am doing about this little animal of mine, he tends to always bring joy to my heart and makes me laugh.  Although he tells me NO when I try to give him kisses and hugs, he smiles and laughs when I sneak one on his cheek!  Even though he gets an attitude, says NO, and crosses his arms, I can't be mad.  Instead I pray, pray, pray that he will grow out of it very, very, very soon!  His Mommy and Daddy are tired of the little attitude.

As I am writing this, he is fast asleep in his room.  It is peaceful right at this very moment, but soon the 'Animal' will awake and it will start all over again.  Bring it, I am ready!!  

I know this moment will not last forever.  Someday my little Animal will turn into a man and I hope one day he can enjoy a little 'Animal' of his own!!  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Get Up, Get Moving, and Get Out There!!

So, up to now, I have been pretty quiet on the blogger scene, but I feel like it is time for me to get back on here and share what I have been up to these past few months.

Back in March, I turned 35 and I was unhappy with the way I looked.  You know that feeling when a camera is around and you do everything you can to avoid being in the picture?  Yeah, that was me.  I would rather take the pictures than be in them.  So, I decided to get myself back on track and start doing that app I heard people talk about, Couch to 5K.  

After I got a little more comfortable with the way I looked I wanted to start doing some 5K's here and there.

The very first one I did was the Glow Run 2013!  First of all, the group I went with fibbed to me and told me that we were going to be walking, NOT running!  Secondly, it was at night, so when the group I was with started running without giving me any notice at all, nobody could see the pain and agony in my face!  So, I guess night races have their perks after all and it's not just the deliciously cold beer waiting for you at the end of the line.  It does help you get to the finish line a lot faster though, but anyway, I am getting off topic...  Needless to say, after no warning of running and no stretching beforehand, I was sore the next day or so.  Yikes!!  I felt so old!  

I actually started doing the Couch to 5K app a few months after this painful, yet motivational race.  

My best time ever and have not been able to beat yet was with my sister.  We did another Glow Run - June 2014.  She runs all the time and recently did a Triathlon, so I was a little intimidated to run with her.  She got me through it though.  She encouraged me with a little push to get me across that finish line.  Although, I might add that this was also a night race, but little perks at the end (no beer), just a banana and a bottled water.  So, chances of me doing this one again is slim to none.

Onto another race, I think this was the Royal Ball Run for Autism - June 2014 and this time I talked my 11 year old son, Peter to run it with me.  Now, remember I asked him to run it "with" me.  The reason I remind you of that is because he did NOT run it with me.  He left me in the dust, literally!  I couldn't find him, he was that far ahead of me.  He did it 5 minutes faster than I did.  He was at the finish line passing out waters to runners crossing the finish line.  

The next 5K my son and I wanted to do was the Firecracker Run - July 4th, 2014.  I learned my lesson from last time though and decided to have a friend run with me this time, since my son loves having me pay for his runs, but never actually likes to run with me!  He's a really nice kid.  I wasn't worried this time though because I had a running buddy with me this time and she wasn't going to leave me in the dust, right?  Wrong.  Again, my son passed the finish line before me and so did my runny buddy.  Did I give up on 5K's?  No I didn't!!

The last 5K my son and I did "together".  I use the word "together" loosely since we always start out "together' but he always winds up sprinting ahead of me and we are no longer "together".  Anyway, it was the Freedom 5K - August 2014.  This time I learned my lesson though.  No running buddy and no son to run with.  I was now going to solely depend on my new friend Pandora to give me the push and motivation I needed to get me across that finish line!  Thanks to Pitbull and Usher and many more on getting me there!  His time was quicker than mine as usual, but it still felt good to do something with my son.

So, I want to tell everyone reading this, you can do it!  If I can do it, so can you!  Dust off those sneakers, find a good sports bra that fits (cause you want those girls in there tight when you are running in public), and last, but not least, make time for yourself.  

I will start sharing my fitness routines with you and tell you what works for me.  I also feel like I should share with you the people that inspired me to get into shape, but I will still share stories about my kids and family life because that's still #1!  

I want to encourage people to GET UP, GET MOVING, and GET OUT THERE!!

What are you waiting for??