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Monday, November 5, 2012

My sleeping beauty and prince

Maybe it's because it is Sunday and it's a day of REST that I am posting my children sleeping, who knows.  Am I a tad bit jealous that my kids look peaceful and most importantly, QUIET!!  Why yes, jealous that they get to sleep and SUPER HAPPY they are BOTH quiet at the same time!  It doesn't happen very often!  So, this post will be a dedication to my wonderful children who get to take naps when their Mommy doesn't!  

I loved this one!  She had a good grasp on her crayons!  One time she fell asleep with her little pink stuffed puppy in one hand, also name Abigail, and a dog treat in the other hand.  She was like this ALL night long!

 Ok, so let me be clear, I never told you my daughter slept like a little lady or a princess!  I don't understand why she sleeps this way!  Cracks us up though!  Plus, how does that look comfortable??  

 And here is the little sleeping prince! So exhausted from bouncing!  I don't even think he was in that long!  Looks so peaceful!

 Let me be clear with everyone!  He does not take a whole 1-2 hour nap in this thing, never has!  He falls asleep for about 20 minutes or so and then wakes up.  He is really dreaming about something.  I wonder if it has anything to do with MILK?  Ha, ha, ha!  

 He is so tiny in there, you can barely see him!  So precious!  I sometimes put him in the highchair to get him away from his sister!  She can't really invade his space that high up!  He needs some time to himself too!

I don't have any of our 9 year old because, well, he would be embarrassed if I put them on here!  Well, as I end this, I hope everyone had a peaceful Sunday and hope your kiddo(s) took a nap or 2!  Hey!  Maybe you were even lucky enough to get a nap in!  If so, I am a little jealous!

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