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Friday, December 21, 2012

Today is the day...

Today is the day.  I wish I could finish that sentence...
Today is the day... that the Lord has made!

Even though that is true, today is the day that my 9 year old son has to get 2 teeth pulled!  Is he excited about it?  I would be lying to all of you if I said YES, yes he is!!  He woke up at 6:00 this morning, all dressed raring to go!  I would be lying to you, so he is NOT excited about one bit.  I mean, seriously, who would be?  I have never had a tooth pulled in my life and I hope I never do.  My son is 9 and terrified of shots!  I mean, he cries just talking about it happening.  So, as a mother, I am NOT looking forward to taking him today.  Why?  Well, I think it's the thought of your baby (yes, he's 9, but he's still my baby) going through pain.  I always joke with him and tell him that maybe he should not have mouthed off to me earlier, but he doesn't like that!  I try to make light of any situation!  It is necessary though to proceed with the next step and that is braces so this has to be done!  He wishes he didn't have the teeth he has, but he does, but he doesn't have to.  Do I want to pay the money to get it done?  NO.  Do I want him to be able to have nice senior pictures?  Yes.  Do I want him to be proud of his teeth as an adult?  Yes.  Do I want him to be embarrassed of his teeth when he gets older?  NO!  Those are reasons why I choose to spend the money on getting those two teeth pulled now.

So, as I was in the shower this (since that is the ONLY place I seem to have peace AND quiet), I prayed to God to help my son be brave.  I also prayed to for Him for help me be there for my son.

So, Pete did GREAT!  I was and am so proud of how he did.  I seriously thought that I would have to hold his legs down, but he kept them perfectly still!  He got a FREE scoop of Whitey's ice cream out of the deal too.  Not too shabby.  I told him that if he didn't want it, I could always take it!  He would not have that though!

So, we bought some soft food for him to eat (ice cream, yogurt, spaghettios, jello, mac n cheese) and headed home.  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meteorologist rant

So, no school today for my 4th grader.  As I look outside I see some dangerous weather conditions of heavy rain, so I am very thankful that the school was extra cautious in canceling school today.  The lovely meteorologists (always right, never wrong about the weather, right) first said we were to get 4-6 inches of snow, than said 4-8, but now I read 2-4 inches of snow.  Really???  Half the time when they say 4-8 inches of snow I always assume we will get half of what they predict!  I also think they are in cahoots with the grocery stores because whenever they predict a BIG storm what is the first thing people think of doing?  Making sure they have enough food at home.  So, the stores are always packed the day before the BIG storm.  Now, I am not saying that the meteorologist are ALWAYS wrong, but they have never been 100% accurate either!  

So, as I look outside at the wetness due to the rain, I hope we get a lot of snow since school was canceled due to the weather prediction.  We are to receive this dangerous snow storm around 11:00 a.m. this morning.  Well, it is 10:10 a.m. and guess what we are getting?  Some heavy RAIN!  It is dangerous outside folks!  We might just get a little wet!!  

At 10:25, it has officially started sleeting here in Illinois!  At about 11:00, we started to get SNOW!  Now that I am a SAHM, I love to watch the snow come down.  I think the thought of being home with little ones and knowing that I don't have to go slip and sliding around in it calms me.  

So, fellow meteorologists who I ranted about... it looks like you might have been right after all.  Was it a good thing for my son's school to cancel.  Yes, it was.  I certainly do NOT want him riding on a bus on some country roads in this weather!!  Good call school!  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shopping, wrapping, and baking...oh my!!

So, Christmas is... 5 days away!  
Is everyone done with their shopping, baking, wrapping, you name it?  Well, each year, my husband and I vow to NOT wait to the last minute, but guess what?  We procrastinated  yet again this year!  Why do we do this to ourselves?  Waiting to the last minute means, last minute wrapping too and I can't tell you how much I despise the wrapping part.

I do LOVE Christmas!  I don't want you to get the wrong idea.  I DO and I am not trying to convince myself either!  It never seems that relaxing though and that is probably because of waiting to the last minute to do everything!   Aaaahhhh!!!  

Well, I know there is one thing I do LOVE about Christmas and that is the yummy food.  Now, on my Mom's side (the Swedes) we have pickled herrings, potato sausage, and a yummy dessert called Ostkaka, which is a Swedish cheesecake (very different from American cheesecake) ALONG with the traditional food (ham, potatoes, green beans, etc).  The Ostkaka is very good with lingonberries poured on top of it!  If you want to read more about this dessert and how it is made, go here.  I think it is a great thing to do to incorporate a little of your heritage into the holidays!  Especially for the younger kids.   
Swedish Potato Sausage
With the holidays, comes a lot of eating.  It is NEVER a good time to diet.  I mean, I could never have the willpower to just have one helping of cheesy potatoes or green bean casserole.  To all of you who DO have the willpower to say NO to all the extras and 2nd helpings, good for you!  

So, I guess I got a little side tracked talking about food.  So, I better get to some baking, shopping, and possibly some wrapping, but I may have to sweet talk my husband into doing that for me!  Love him so much!!  

So God Yul and Gott Nytt År!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Remembering and honoring:

Charlotte Bacon, 6
Rachel D'Avino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Jesse Lewis, 6
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Emilie Parker, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Mary Sherlach, 56
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Victoria Soto, 27
Daniel Barden, 7
Josephine Gay, 7
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
James Mattioli, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hush Little Baby...All Night Long

Awhile back I wrote about Maison not wanting to sleep in his crib instead, he was sleeping in his swing.  You can read more about it here.

Out of all three of our kids, he is the worst sleeper.  He is NOT the best sleeper at night.  Last night I thought I would get a good bedtime routine started.  These are the steps that I took to ensure that I would get a good night sleep.

1 - Fed him supper (yummy homemade sweet potatoes and homemade pears)

2 - We played on the floor for about 20 minutes or so.

3 - Bath time!

4 - Massaged lotion on him and really TRIED to relax him.

5 - Dressed him in his pjs,

6 - Gave him a little mashed up banana.  Anything to fill up that little belly before bed and get him to sleep through the night, right?

7 - Nursed him and kept trying to "top" him off.  Yeah, I compare my son's belly to a gas tank.  Anything to help him go a few extra 'miles' at night!

8 - I laid him down in his crib about 8:00 p.m.

So, how do you think the bedtime routine went?  Well, not as well as I had hoped I am afraid.  He woke back up and 9 - WIDE AWAKE.  My husband went in there and tried to get him back to sleep, but about 15-20 minutes later, not a chance.  So, finally I went back in there and tried to feed him a little more and laid him back down at around 10:00.

Don't think that's the end of the story.  He woke up AGAIN at 1:00 a.m!  I did not feed him though (I don't think I did anyway - I was half asleep).

He didn't wake up again until 7:30 in the morning which is good.  I am happy with that.  I was up with Peter at 7 anyway to get him on the bus by 8.

My question to all of you Moms - what else can I do?  Is this just a phase that he will hopefully (praying this will happen soon) grow out of?  Is this due to teething (no teeth yet)?  I am exhausted.  I want to sleep. I don't want to come off selfish, but is it too much to ask for a couple good nights sleep?  I am going to try the routine over and over again and hope that he will understand what's going on.  I just think he would be a much happier baby if he got a good night sleep like he is supposed to.  Yes, I would be a much happier Mommy too!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maison taste testing homemade oatmeal!!

I haven't posted a blog in three days!  I had no idea it was that long!  I am sorry friends!  Anyway, I plan to tell you my experience with making homemade oatmeal for 7 month old Maison!

 To start making homemade oatmeal, you have to use the good oats, NOT the quick oats, so luckily we had this on hand.

Just in case none of you have seen what the steel cut oats look like, I posted a picture.  Definitely a lot different than the quick oats and they are packed with more nutrition.  It only takes a 1/4 cup of the steel cut oats to get the same nutrients in a 1/2 cup of quick cooking oats.  Just a quick fact for ya!

After you grind up the oats, this is how powdery it should be.

 Add 1/2 cup water and let it come to a boil.

Add 2 Tablespoons of the ground up steel cut oats.  Stir for 30 seconds while it is still boiling.

Reduce heat to low, cover, and stir frequently.

When you are all done, this is what it should look like.  I added a little banana to add a little flavor and a little breast milk to thin it out.  Now comes the fun part - taste testing it on Maison....  drum...roll...please......

 Here it goes...  He doesn't look too excited about it at this point does he?  Yes, I even made airplane sounds to make it more appealing.

Well, as you can see by the picture, he liked the spoon better than the homemade "better for you" oatmeal that his Mommy made for him.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My little insomniac

Well, today was going to be my post titled, Friday Food Frenzy!  Well, it's Friday and it's always a frenzy, but NO food!  Why?   Let's just say my 5 month old decided to wake up at 1:30 in the morning and decide that the two of us should be awake for 2 hours!  Really Maison?  On top of that, he decides to fill his pants because he probably thought I was wide awake might as well get it all done!  When I was trying to nurse him, he kept looking up at me - SMILING!!  Why are you smiling?  Do you see me smiling?  NO!  I want to go back to bed!!  He smiles back at me!  Your cuteness will NOT work on me right now!!
 This is what you need to be doing right now!!  

NOT THIS!  It's time for bed - no laughing or smiling or being cute for Mommy right now!

When he finally went to bed, I was so relieved to get some shut eye.  Although, that's when our 3 year old brings her pillow and her stuffed animal into our bed.  That's another story.  So, when Maison woke up again this morning, he decided to fill his pants once again for me!  YEAH!!  I must have had that blank stare on my face looking out the window because my husband asked, "Is this the time you start to think about what you could be doing, but then he smiles at you?"  Ok, I won't lie there are moments in my life when I think about where I could be, but then I compare my days between working with those snotty women in the office or staying home with my little ones and the only snottiness I get is from their noses - I choose snotty noses EVERY single TIME!

So, as I end my ranting and raving about my night, don't get me wrong, I love being a Mom.  It doesn't come easy for me some days, but I don't want to miss a minute! 

I will block the poopy minutes out though - who needs to be reminded of those!!

 I love my children and love watching them grow.  Just not at 1:30 in the morning for 2 hours!!  

My family the guinea pigs - part 2

I always like to try new recipes out with my family.  I hate the same old meals, meatloaf, tuna casserole, etc.  I'm not saying I don't like those (my husband actually LOVES tuna casserole), but I need a change. I try slow-cooker meals, casserole dishes, and grilling recipes!  So, tonight, my lovely guinea pigs will be eating Slow Cooker Creamy Beef Stroganoff.

This is the before pic with all the goodness in the crock pot!  Can I just say I love LOVE the crock pot liners!!  I don't know if it was a man or a woman who invented them, but I would like to think it was a woman because it just makes sense to me!  Anyway, it saves me a lot of time in the kitchen and I LOVE that!  Which reminds me, I need more...  Crock pot lines that is, but time would be good too!!

Ok, this is the more appetizing picture with all that goodness cooked up and ready to eat!  Yep, it was delicious!  There was enough for leftovers the next day!  I don't know about you, but if I make a good dinner the night before, I want to make sure I have it the next day!  It beats eating chicken nuggets, hot dogs or fish sticks with my daughter!

Was it delicious?  I thought so.  What did my think of it?  Well, my husband thought it needed a little more zip, which I had to agree!  So, I always turn to my little friend, Worcestershire Sauce.  Yep, Wo always takes care of bland foods!  Here is the recipe for those who want to try it too:

cans (10 3/4 ounces each) Campbell's® Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
 1/4 cup water 
tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 
package (8 ounces) sliced white mushrooms (about 3 cups) 
medium onions, coarsely chopped (about 1 1/2 cups) 
cloves garlic, minced 
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 
boneless beef bottom round steak (about 2 pounds), cut into thin strips 
cup sour cream 
package (12 ounces) medium egg noodles (about 7 cups), cooked and drained 
Chopped fresh parsley (optional) 
How to Make It
  • 1
    Stir the soup, water, Worcestershire sauce, mushrooms, onions, garlic and black pepper in a 6-quart slow cooker.  Add the beef and stir to coat.
  • 2
    Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 9 hours or until the beef is fork-tender.  Stir the sour cream in the cooker.  Serve the beef mixture with the noodles.  Sprinkle with the parsley, if desired.

    It doesn't matter if you try this meal or another one, as long as you eat with your family!  I think it's a rare thing for families to eat dinner together these days.  I always remember eating dinner with my family when I was younger.  My parents would always ask how my day was and I had any homework?  Well, of course there was homework!  How was my day?  Probably not that great now BECAUSE I had homework!  Anyway, I now do the same with my 4th grader at dinner time.  He doesn't really tell me much though.  Everyday is "fine" or "ok".  Hope your kids are a little more talkative than mine!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Exercising - YUCK!!

It has been pretty depressing here.  Just when I thought I was losing that baby weight, I am gaining it back.  Well, to me it seems that way.  It just takes me forever to lose it!  I am nursing ALL the time which was helping.  I am eating ALL the right foods (veggies, fruits, milk, Hershey's bars, ice cream, etc).  Oh wait, whoops, well, maybe I am not eating ALL the right stuff.  I will be honest with you, I do NOT have the best self control when it comes to sweets!  I can't just have ONE or TWO, I will end up having three or four!  I wish that the taste of all sweets was disgusting to me!  Unfortunately I am cursed with a palate that welcomes and encourages sweets and finds them rather tasty, satisfying, and heavenly!!  Now, with Thanksgiving, Christmas, oh and New Year's Eve (the best appetizers are always there), and then there will be Easter (which will have MORE food), it will be a never ending battle to lose the rest of this baby weight!  Then, before I know it bikini season will be here and I am NOT ready!  AAAAHHHH!  Let me just say that I try to balance my bad eating habits with a fruit smoothie or a salad or something!  I call it "balancing it out".  What would you call it?  It makes me feel better, but can I still get into those really good looking pre-pregnancy jeans?  Um, nope!  

So, my friend and I have I made the following deal:  


Well, that's a good rule because in this day in age Facebook is a way for most of us to keep in touch.  So, it was a good incentive.  I had to dust my treadmill off yesterday morning and see if it still worked!  It's funny how something like NO FACEBOOK UNTIL... can get a person moving.  Why is that?  Am I that focused on other people's lives to let go of mine?  Well, sadly enough, yes.  I AM a SAHM, my life belongs to my kids, my house, and my husband!  Don't judge me!

Detox drinks? Yea or Nay?

So, my friend and I have been drinking this new detox water that has cinnamon sticks and an apple in it.  You can find the recipe here to try it.  Anyway, it says cinnamon is supposed to boost your metabolism.  Well, why not try it?  Right??   

I have been drinking it for a week and while my friend has been losing weight, I have NOT!  Yes, very disappointed, but I am taking the high road and blaming it on my hypothetical thyroid problem that I may have!  This is the same friend that we made a deal together to do 20 minutes on the treadmill BEFORE getting on Facebook.

So, after a week, I decided NOT to be patient on whether or not it's going to work and try a new detox drink that is supposed flatten my belly!  Well, why wouldn't I try this one?  I mean, after having 3 kids and not having time to work out more than 20 minutes I am up for anything that might work.  You can find the recipe here and see if it works for you!

As I am writing this, my new detox drink is waiting for me in the fridge.  If this one doesn't flatten anything on me, than I will move on to the next detox drink.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

We have been married for 5 yrs!!

Well, it's a week later, I am finally posting about our 5 year wedding anniversary.  We spent it in a hotel room, in Ohio, with 3 kids!  Plus, Maison wouldn't sleep in his pack 'n play (which I don't think I included in my posts about Ohio, which you can read about herehere, and here) so he put Maison on the bed with me and Reza spent his weekend sleeping on the floor.  The first night we were in the hotel room I saw Reza's head lift up and jokingly say, "Happy Anniversary!"  

We were married December 1, 2007.  We had friends and family come from Georgia, California, Ohio, Illinois, and Florida for our special day.  It was freezing rain and cold.  Then I started thinking, maybe freezing rain is good luck on your wedding day?  Hmm??  I was trying to look on the bright side of things.  Well, it must have been good luck because after 5 years and 3 kids later, we are still in love.  
There are many reasons why I LOVE this man and so happy God brought him into my life, but I am going to give you 5:

 1 - He will do anything for me (well, within reason of course) - SELFLESS

 2 - He LOVES me unconditionally and some days I don't deserve his love

 3 - He works hard so I can be a SAHM and be there for our kids.

 4 - He is always HONEST with me, even when I may not like what he has to say.

5 - He is a good FATHER to our kids.

The 5 years we have been together, there have been ups and downs (I wish there were less downs than ups), but through all the tears, laughter, and pain, we have grown stronger and learned from each other and still are!

So, happy belated 5 year Anniversary Reza - I LOVE YOU!

Colossians 3:14
And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Maison is 7 months old

Maison is 7 months old!  Well, he was actually 7 months old last Friday, November 30, but to my defense we were driving in a car for 8 hours and I forgot to bring his tie!  So, a week later, I am finally posting about his 7 month milestone!  

THE FACTS:  He can sit up on his own, teething like crazy, but still NO teeth to show for it, sleeps twice a day, still nurses pretty much ALL the time (that's fine with me), and loves having people around him.

How hard do you think it would be to get a picture of this little guy?  Well, once he saw me put the sticker tie on, he wanted it!!

 Attempt #1 - not bad, looking up

 Attempt #2 - looking down

 Attempt #3 - he REALLY wants that tie!

 Attempt #4 - Yeah, a head shot, but no smile!  Oh well, I will take what I can get!

 And back to the tie again!  

 His big brother and big sister wanted to get in there too!

 It didn't Abigail very long to steal the spotlight!  Maison doesn't look like he cares!  He is wondering where that tie went!  

Maison has definitely been a little blessing to our family!  He still refuses to sleep through the night, but we still LOVE him!!  We LOVE his dimpled smile, the way he laughs, and the way he watches his big sister dance around the room.  He gets all excited when she comes by him so I am predicting that we will have another little dancer in the family as soon as he gets those legs working! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ohio Trip - Part 3)

So, now for the final post of my Ohio trip, but the fun part - the day of my dear friend Lynn's wedding!  Where should I start?  We have been friends since high school, in the marching band together, gave guys nicknames so they wouldn't know we were talking about them, stuffed toilet paper down our shirts to toilet paper a neighbor's house, discovered we both liked chocolate pate, and many many more stories!  I am so SO happy for her!  The wedding was really special and the MOST GLORIFIED wedding I have ever been to.  When my husband and I got married we knew it was going to be forever and we took our vows very seriously.  Lynn and her husband Ken wrote their own vows and made it more about God and then the 2 of them!  The bride and groom did a religious act called, "Washing of the Feet", which is explained in the book of John:

John 13:14–17, He instructs them, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.  For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.  Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.  If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."

It was Godly, glorifying, beautiful, and wonderful.

Prior to the wedding, I had to take a picture of Abigail's hair.   Anyone who knows my daughter, knows that it does NOT stay like this for long, about an hour or so.  I had to get a picture of it before it looked like she slept on it AND before she started jumping on the hotel bed!!

Rare moment here - I had to get it on camera.  They are actually both smiling!  Normally, one is forcing the other one for a hug and you start getting the whines!!  

The bride and groom - Mr and Mrs Ken York!!  She has been patiently waiting for God to bring her a Godly man and He has done just that!  I have never seen her so happy!!

L to R: Me with my double chin holding Maison, Kendy, and her sister Erin
Catching up with some old high school friends!  Old, yes.  Do we act like it, NO!  We were still as silly as we were in high school!  Loved catching up!!

L to R: Me (the double chin is BACK), Mark, and Kendy
Kendy and I got to get a picture with the bride's younger brother Mark!  On a totally random side note, I think I am going to have to do a post on looking slimmer in photos!  I mean, come on!  I look like I could really do some damage with my back end!  I could knock 'em clear in the next room!  Geez!!  

The bride FINALLY had time for an old friend!  It was about time!  I drive 8 hours to see you!  Give me some lovin'!!  

L to R: Joni, Lynn, and Me
Why is it that in every picture I am in my mouth is open?  I am either talking or laughing!!  

Finally, we ALL got to get a shot together before someone stole the bride away from us!  Literally, that's what happened!  

Kendy trying to make a new friend with Mr. Maison!

I met Kendy when I was in 8th grade and she was in 7th!  I never really thought of that before, but that's been almost 19 years!  Wow!  We met in the summer of 1993!  Crazy how time flies by!!  

I was so happy to see everyone again!  It has been about 5 years since we saw each other.  I try to stay in touch with them, but it gets so hard.  So, I hope they read this and know how much I love them and miss them!  I wish there weren't so many miles between us.  Not a goes by that I don't think about them!  

This was our last night in Ohio.

The funny part of this story is that the bride and groom got a hotel room at the same hotel we were at!  If that didn't make you laugh this will - they were right next door to us and neither one of us knew it!  Probably a good thing, I mean, it was there wedding night!! 

So, before we got on the road Sunday morning, Lynn spotted my husband and he brought her in the room to surprise me!  What a great surprise it was!  At weddings, you don't always get a lot of time to talk to the bride because she is being pulled in so many directions so I felt like this was God's way of giving me a little more time with her!  It was great!  I told my husband that if we were actually morning people, we would have missed this moment!  

Life's little moments like that, I will remember for a long time!  I do believe God had a hand in it.  I don't think it would have happened without Him.  Yes, we did get on the road later than we wanted to, but it all worked out in the end!  

So, congratulations to my dear friend Mrs Lynn York!  I am so happy for you!  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ohio Trip - Part 2

So, we finally made it to Ohio around 5:30, after only 3 stops and leaving an hour and a half later than I wanted to.  I don't think we did too bad.  My husband was relieved to finally be done driving.  

 Now, comes the fun part.  Saying hi to people that we haven't seen in about 5-10 years.  This is Mrs. Athy aka Ma Athy as I like to call her.  I was really good friends with her daughter in high school and so she kind of just became a second Mom to me.  She is so nice!  She said she has all of my kids' pictures on her fridge!  

 Where do I begin with Janelle...  Do I tell you the trouble we would get into or the good stuff?  Well, let's just stick to the nice stuff.  We graduated together, I attended her 1st baby shower for her son that is now 13!  We were in Marching Band together and 4-H.  I haven't seen her for 10-12 years!  It has been a very long time!  It made me realize how good of friends we still are when we could just pick right up where we left off.  I love her and I wished our families lived closer!

 New friends, our husbands, bonding over beers! 

 I don't think we stopped laughing and talking since we saw each other.  That's why in every picture we have our mouths open!  My friend Steph mentioned that I could have taken my nursing bib off for the picture!  And what's up with me and my double chin??  Wow!  What's that exercise thing you can buy off the TV?  I may have to look into that!

 Abigail photo bombed the picture!  Silly girl!!  I think we are saying good-bye and planning to get together soon, maybe halfway in Indianapolis.  I don't want 10 years to go by again before we see each other!!

 The next day, I decided to force my family to go into my home town and do a little sight seeing! They were so thrilled about that!  There wasn't much to see mind you, but I still wanted to show my kids where I lived and went to school.  So, this was our Ohio house.  

 I used to sell people ice cream cones, malts, shakes, hot fudge sundaes, and banana splits here! 

 Here is my Alma Mater!

 Graham High School - the Graham Falcons!!  

 The town sign of St. Paris, population 1500.  

Last, but not least, I had to include this in our sightseeing trip because this is the 1st drive-thru my husband has been through.  He thought it was strange that you didn't get of your car instead you just tell the man what you want.  He said he felt like a redneck!  

So, that was pretty much it on our sightseeing trip!  Tomorrow I will share pictures from my friends' beautiful wedding!  So come back tomorrow!!