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Friday, February 1, 2013

"Mr. Attitude" is 9 months old!


Well, our little guy is 9 months old!  I can't believe it!  He is getting so big!!  
As I am writing this, he is NOT sleeping in his crib.  Surprise surprise!!  He sounds so mad that I have put him in there.  "Why do I have to take a nap in here ALL by myself?  I want to be where all the action is!"  I feel like Maison is saying (yelling) to me! 

Anyway, Maison was nicknamed "Mr. Attitude" by my mother and I think it is very fitting most days.  He still doesn't have any teeth.  He does this sort of scoot or army crawl to get from one side of the room to the next!  I also call it a Spiderman move because he puts his hands out on the floor and pulls himself up to them!  So funny!  The big thing this month is that he can sit up all by himself!!  My husband had to put the baby gate back up for fear he would roll right down the stairs!!  He loves to rock back and forth to music!  He gets a big smile on his face when everyone is dancing around him!  He refuses to eat anything we give him unless we force him to eat it.  We have found that he LOVES the puffy snacks so we have been going through them really fast!!  I know I call him "Mr. Attitude", but I like to think he is just deep in thought and "selective" at whom he smiles at.  He loves jumping around in his bouncer and watching everyone around him!  He STILL decides to take about 2 hours to go to bed at night, he STILL wakes up about once or twice at night, but we LOVE him very much!

And yes, this is always nice to have happen when you are trying to get dinner on the table!  Let's just take a minute to look how peaceful he is.....and quiet....and peaceful....and quiet....

"Yeah, I had one of those days! Mom took me to get my pictures taken, but I got her back by not smiling!"

This is the face we get every single time we try to feed him baby food!  We get one bite in, but he is a quick learner because it won't work a second time.  

Peek-a-boo, I see you!  I couldn't resist taking this!  The fun thing about kids is that they are so photogenic and they don't even know it.  I am so glad that I am so glad that I am able to capture these moments!!

As I am putting the finishing touches on here this morning - I have to report this VERY important infortmation to all of you!
Are you ready?
You might want to sit down for this.
Here it goes...

Maison slept through the night!!


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